Projects Archive
Wartenau 16, Hamburg
When: 21 September 2024
Start time: 14:00
Location: Wartenau 16 Kulturzentrum, Hamburg
The band performed in acoustic version.
We are part of the Festival music performances.
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Internationales Sommerfest 2024
Migrantpolitan am Kampnagel, Hamburg
When: 16 August 2024
Start time: 20:00
Location: Migrantpolitan at Kampnagel Theaters Hamburg
The band performed in acoustic version.
An experience with school kids!
Fest Der Vielfalt!
When: 30 May 2024
Start time: 14:00
Location: Winterhuder Reformschule - Stadtteilschule Winterhude, Hamburg.
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A wonder gig!
Community cooking competition, Hamburg
When: 04 April 2024
Start time: 19:00
Where: Kampnagel K1, Hamburg
The band performed as a support act for a cooking competition organised by Migrantpolitan of Kampnagel Theather in Hamburg.
Links from Kampnagel:
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Radio show Interview!
Show: Word Pong
When: 03 January 2024
Start Time: 17:00
Where: FSK,Hamburg
Per Antenne Auf 93,0 MHz in Hamburg
Per Kabel Auf 101,4 MHz im Hamburger Stadtgebiet & auf 105,7 MHz in Norderstedt, Itzehoe & Henstedt-Ulzburg (im Netz von
Per Livestream
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Band Interview
Klangwelt 2023, Hamburg
16 October 2023
This interview was a university project which was recorded at Jesse Gomes recording studio.
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Date: Friday, 15-Sep-2023
Where: Lola Kultuzentrum Hamburg Bergedorf.
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Visiting Jazzahead 2023
Am letzten Aprilwochenende waren wir auf der Jazzahead-Messe in Bremen. Es war unser Premiere. Wir hatten viele neue Kontakte gewonnen, Netzwerke aufgebaut, und die neue Deutscher Jazzpreisträger angehört. Nächstes Jahr werden wir bestimmt dort in Show-Case auftreten und hoffentlich nominiert!
On the last weekend of April, we were at the Jazzahead Event in Bremen. It was our first time going to this exhibition. We have gained new contacts, build up our networkds, and listened to the winner of this year's Deutscher Jazzpreis. Next year we will apparently perform at the Show-Case and hope to get nominated!
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Single release
14 July 2023
Mirage World released this wonderful song with the strong text composed by Vera Weichel. The music composition was a long process with the mixture of the oriental scale and the classical rock style - including a tone changing right in the middle of the song. The album cover, recording, Mixing and Mastering was done by Edwin Aleixo Braganza.
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Single release
19 May 2023
Mirage World released this wonderful song composed by Amir Soltanifard. The Farsi text is telling the loved one about the message of love and the English text in the refrain emphasizes the strength of this love. The album cover, recording, Mixing and Mastering was done by Edwin Aleixo Braganza.
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Single release
Released on 17 March 2023
Mirage World released this wonderful song composed by Amir Soltanifard. The Farsi text explains about how human lives his daily live. English text, written by Vera Weichel, tells us more about the meaning of life for every human. The album cover, recording, Mixing and Mastering was done by Edwin Aleixo Braganza.
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Live Performance
Virtual Concert Toba Caldera World Music Festival 2022 in Sumatera, Indonesia - 28.10.2022
Mirage World took part at the Toba Caldera World Music Festival TCWMF 2022 at the Lake Toba, Sumatera, Indonesia.
Links to the news (in Bahasa Indonesia) from Antara News, the official Indonesian Press Agency:
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Video Interview Production
Motte, Hamburg
Video Team, Stadtteil und Kulturzentrum.
Neustart Kultur
02 December 2021
The earlier version of Mirage World which was then called Mirage Band 8, was interviewed to showcae the band in Hamburg Culture.
Live performance at
Kampnagel KMH, Hamburg
Conference on Migration and Media Awareness (CMMA)
28 October 2021
The earlier version of Mirage World which was then called Mirage Band 8, Performed a cultural indoor event as the headliner.
Live Performance
Zinnschmelze-PLAY OUT LOUD
Zinnschmelze, Hamburg Barmbek - 06.08.2021
The earlier version of Mirage World which was then called Mirage Band 8, Performed a cultural Open-air event as the headliner.
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Live performance at
Thalia Theater, Nachtasyl, Hamburg
08 December 2019
The earlier version of Mirage World which was then called Mirage Band 8, Performed at Thalia Theater as the headliner.
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Video Interview Production
Motte, Hamburg
Video Team, Global film production.
The earlier version of Mirage World which was then called Mirage Band 8, was interviewed to showcase the band in Hamburg Culture.
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Live performance at
Motte, Hamburg
Motte 45 years Jubilee celebration
11 September 2019
The earlier version of Mirage World which was then called Mirage Band 8, Performed a cultural indoor event as a headliner.
Live performance at
Migrantpolitan, Hamburg
25 August 2019
The earlier version of Mirage World which was then called Mirage Band 8, Performed a cultural indoor event as a headliner.
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Live performance at
Motte, Hamburg
02 August 2019
The earlier version of Mirage World which was then called Mirage Band 8, Performed a cultural indoor event as a headliner.
Lola Kulturzentrum, Hamburg
When: 23 August 2024
Start time: 20:00
Location: Lola Kulturzentrum, Hamburg
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Summer concert in Hamburg Barmbek
Welcome Music Concert
When: 06 July 2024
Start time: 20.00
Location: Zinnschmelze, Barmbek, Hamburg.
The band performed as a main act.
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A unique experience!
Yarákä (it), Mirage World
When: 28 May 2024
Start time: 19.30
Location: MS Stubnitz
Kirchenpauerkai 29
20457 Hamburg (U/S Elbbrücken)
The band performed as a support act For Yarákä.
Link of MS Subnitz:
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A wonder gig!
Kulturhof Jam session
When: 02 March 2024
Start time: 19:00
Where: Kulturhof, Dulsberg, Hamburg
The band performed as an opener followed the open stage band session.
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Live Concert!
Mirage World X'mas
Thursday, 28 Dec 2023
Ev. -Luth. Kirchengemeinde in Steinbek /
Hamburg Mummelsmannberg
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Date: Friday, 21 October 2023
Where: Kulturhof,Dulsberg, Hamburg
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Inka Club, Reeperbahn 153, Hamburg
01 September 2023
Photo Credit - Mr. Kindiarsah. Thank you.
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Single release
18 August 2023
Mirage World released this wonderful song composed by Amir Soltanifard. The text in Farsi explained about the wisdom of an owl and the English text (written by Veral Weichel) emphasis the live the bird is longing for. The album cover, recording, Mixing and Mastering was done by Edwin Aleixo Braganza.
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Single release
16 June 2023
Mirage World released this wonderful song composed by Vera Weichel. This mellow dramatic part of the song is broken with the new Reggae style of the refrain. The album cover, recording, Mixing and Mastering was done by Edwin Aleixo Braganza.
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Single release
'Lauf in die Wüste'
14 April 2023
Mirage World released this wonderful song composed by Amir Soltanifard. The song is written in Farsi, one of the first song Amir wrote long time ago back in Iran. The text tells us the story of his dream of freedom, being able to walk through the desert with no fear. The album cover, recording, Mixing and Mastering was done by Edwin Aleixo Braganza.
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Single release
Released on 14 February 2023
Mirage World released this wonderful song composed by Ibrahim Nduwa and Muller Manalu which is sung in French. The text explains about the longing of one's desire to live and love. The album cover, recording, Mixing and Mastering was done by Edwin Aleixo Braganza.
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Live Performance
Keiser Keller, Hamburg
22 May 2022
Mirage World performs for an Iranian music event.
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Debut Single
Released on 27 August 2021
The earlier version of Mirage World which was then called Mirage Band 8, released their first single.
Amir Soltani: Vocals,Guitar
Vera Anna Maria Weichel: Vocals, Guitar
Muller Manalu: Piano, Keyboards
Edwin Aleixo Braganza: Bass guitar, recording, mixing and mastering.
Mindju Lee Jensen: Cello, Cover Design
Samer Badwe: Kanun
Ibrahim Nduwa: Drums
Abed Harsony: Oud
Live performance at
Ernst Deutsch Theater, Hamburg
23 October 2021
The earlier version of Mirage World which was then called Mirage Band 8, Performed a cultural indoor event as the headliner.
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Live performance at
"Die Motte", Hamburg Ottensen
Livestream Concert
24 July 2021
The earlier version of Mirage World which was then called Mirage Band 8, Performed a cultural indoor event as the headliner.
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Live performance at
Hamburg Band Contest 2019 Finalist
02 October 2019
The earlier version of Mirage World which was then called Mirage Band 8, Performed for OXMOX 2019.
Live performance at
Indra Club, Hamburg Reeperbahn
The earlier version of Mirage World which was then called Mirage Band 8, Performed for The Band Competition organised by OXMOX 2019.
We performed that the legendary Indra Club, where The Beatles performed for the first time in Germany.
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Live performance at
Schnelsen, Hamburg
Eimsbütteler Stadtteilkultur Symposium
30 August 2019
The earlier version of Mirage World which was then called Mirage Band 8, Performed for a charity event.
Live performance at
Motte, Hamburg
18 August 2019
The earlier version of Mirage World which was then called Mirage Band 8, Performed a cultural indoor event as a headliner.
Live performance at
Altonale, Hamburg
15 June 2019
The earlier version of Mirage World which was then called Mirage Band 8, Performed a cultural Open-Air event as a headliner.